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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Rontu’s HP Bomber build for Dragon Fighter

Here’s a simple, effective build that should give you an easy time going solo in the early levels, and has good promise for future PvP-ing and high level PvE. However, keep in mind this is for lvl 1-50, I’ll think about how to best work it into either Dragon Knight or Dragon Sage at a later time, because I believe it can work for both.

You can either go pure vit or get your str around 35-40 going 1str/3vit, then pump vit the rest of the way. I took the latter choice. Dex should be low (as I will explain later) I recommend adding 1 or 2 dex every 5 levels. Around lvl 50 you should have 40ish dex, should be sufficient at that time.

In general for armor and accessories, you’ll want something with physical and/or magical defense bonus (usually comes from armor) and high resistance bonus (these are from accessories). Also look for vit bonuses in your armor and weapons. Str bonus is not a must, but it’s nice to have. Again, we’re focusing on your vit and defense.

Important Skills:
Health Funnel:This is an absolute must for this build. You will need it to replenish your HP for damage output from Forefoot Swing. Max this ASAP.

Forefoot Swing (FFS):THE damage dealer of this build. Your vit is high, and this skill bases the damage off of HP percentage. So logically, high hp = high damage. Use this in conjunction with health funnel to keep yourself alive and pumping out the Forefoot Swing "hp bombs". This attack never misses, hence the low dex needed.

Dragon’s Power:You need this to get FFS. It’s a nice buff and definitely good to have. Keep it up whenever you’re fighting. Max this as soon as you max FFS.

Health to Mana:Rank 1 is enough for this. Your mana pool is small, and your HP pool is huge, so a couple of casts and your mana should be regen to near full. You can cycle this with Mana to Health and Health Funnel to basically replenish your mana and health very quickly,faster than you would if you were sitting, and without the need for pots.

Micellaneous Skills:
Elemental Imbue:Pick one and don’t invest more than 1 point in these. They consume mana at a constant rate, and you need that mana for your other more important skills. The damage you’ll be dishing out from this is insignifact compared to the regular dmg output of FFS. I recommend blaze or dark, and you can use it at early levels, but later on they’re just not necessary and can be a burden to your MP.

Taunt:Of course you have to get this to proceed in the skill tree. In parties, it’s pretty useful since you can take a beating and keep monsters off your squishier members.

Dragon’s Tail:This is necessary to get in order to learn Health Funnel. So far I’ve only put 1 point in this. It’s decent damage early on, but soon you’ll realize that FFS does a greater amount of damage and is a better use of your mana. It’s your choice whether you pump this or not, but put priority in FFS.

Mana to Health: EDIT: Changed to recommend 1 point in this. 1 point is all you need. Again, cycle this with HtM to be a self hp/mp regenerator. It’s optional to pick up this skill, it’s good at early levels but later on Health Funnel does a better job. Still good to have for a quick heal.

Alright, let me explain how to use this build. Before the fight, buff yourself with Dragon’s Power. Engage a monster and use FFS and (optionally) Dragon’s Tail. If you need healing, use F1 to target yourself and use Health Funnel (it won’t work unless you target yourself). Then just retarget the monster and let yourself auto attack until FFS is recharged again, then use it again. Repeat until monster dies. Make sure you keep an eye on your HP, and if you’re getting mobbed, don’t spam FFS as much. Use Health to Mana when you’ve got maybe 1/4 MP, and Mana to Health for a little bit of extra HP healing here and there. Outside of battle, when your HP and MP are low, simply cycle MtH and HtM back and forth until your HP and MP are nearly full again, and you can throw in a health funnel in there for good measure.

- With this build I can take on mobs at 2-3 levels above me, sometimes up to 3 of them, and more at levels equal or below me. I never have to rest and only use pots when the situtation gets tight (too many monsters).
- With that said, do not think you’re invincible. You can’t rush in rambo style and think you’re gonna live through it. Health Funnel has a cooldown so play wisely and don’t overdo FFS without watching your health. You’re still gonna be pretty tough though with your massive HP. Run when things get bad.
- You can actually play a bit of support role as well. If you’re partying with someone who has a better damage output, best to let them do the attacking and you should be using FFS less. Instead, keep your MP/HP up with HtM and keep their health up with Health Funnel. Make sure they aggro first so you don’t have your hands full.

I’ll be working on how to best proceed with this build into either a Dragon Knight or Dragon Sage, it has potential for either depending on stat distribution. Or you can just get a stat reset but I’m not sure how to get that yet lol. More to come soon hopefully. For now, I’d love some comments or insights into things you feel should be changed or what works for you. Questions are welcome as well. Thanks for reading/commenting.
Credits go to Rontu


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