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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Elf Int Templar Build

I have quit Rohan for over a month now, but I would like to pass on what I learned about Templars. Just to let you guys know… I started playing Rohan in December of last year on the JP servers. Before moving over to English Rohan, I talked to several high level (9X) Templars and got their take on things. On English Rohan, I played Int Templar to level 78 before quitting.

The Role of an Int Templar:
I think that the role of a Templar is often misunderstood - especially at lower levels. Before level 50, people often invite you to parties assuming that you will be able to keep everyone alive and are disappointed when they realize that you are Int based. The following is what I think a Templar should do in a party.

Before Level 54:

In PVE, you should advertize yourself as a Puller, Resser and Backup Healer with a bit of Damage thrown in. I found that I could make myself the most useful in a party by luring with a wand / shield. The added defense of the shield and my ability to self heal really helped me stay alive pulling mobs for my party. If anyone died, I would be the first to res. Often times I would Chrono my Res so as to be able to res 2 people in quick succession. This allowed the priest to continue healing while we recovered party. In between pulling mobs, I would often throw out a heal or two to help the Priest out a bit. This was especially useful for high Vit builds where one heal would only really fill up half of their HP.

Before Level 54, you aren’t too useful in PVP. You basically only have one attack (Holy Light) and the rest is Staff damage.

After Level 54:

PVE after level 54 is a lot easier. Firstly, your buffs work wonders for mage classes. Inteligence Blow, Brain Blow and Mental Blow really boost the damage of any Dark Elf. This coupled with Priest buffs can greatly speed up the kill speed of any party. It is very important to always keep your buffs up at all times. Other than buffs, if there are no Half Elves in party, you should be pulling and providing support like before. If you aren’t required to pull, you can go about dealing damage and AOE stunning to relieve pressure off of the priest. At my level, players are strong enough so that me auto attacking with Blunt Mastery with Group Euphoria on is enough to keep the party alive and at full HP - so that is usually what I do.

You really start to excel at PVP once you start filling out your PVP skills. You do a good amount of damage with your normal Mace attacks and of course your magic attacks. You can keep a target stunned for around 15 seconds using your stuns + Chrono. Debuffing Dekans and Crit classes are great and reflecting statuses is quite funny.

3 Int : 1 Vit
Keep this ratio all the way from 1 - 99 (From levels 51 - 70 add 5 Int 1 Vit odd levels and 4 Int 2 Vit even levels)

The Base Skill Build:
Here are the base Templar skills that you will be needing (All level 6 skills can be taken to 7 if you have enoguh money). I would recommend getting the PVP skills later on.

Healer Skills:
Heal: 3 (Use a skill stone to take it to 4)
Divine Aura: 1 (Required)
Inteligence Blow: 7
Holy Light: 6
Emergency Heal: 1 (To Unlock Mental Barrier)
Mental Barrier: 7
Teleport: 1
Revive: 4 (Use a skill stone to take it to 5. Optionally you can take Incarnation instead)
Chrono: 1
Mind Blast: 6 (PVP Skill)
Saint Strike: 6 (PVP Skill)

4 0 6
0 1 0
0 7 6
0 0 1
0 1 7
0 5 6

Brain Blow: 7
Mental Blow: 7
Grey Mask: 1 (To Unlock Erase)
Euphoria: 1 (To Unlock Group Euphoria)
Blunt Mastery: 7
Group Euphoria: 6 (Not Needed till 70+)
White Curse: 6
Destruction: 6
Cast Over: 1 (Useful for Quick Ressing)
Erase: 6 (PVP Skill)
Reflect: 6 (PVP Skill)
Marea’s Hammer: 6 (PVP Skill)
Vanishment: 2 (PVP Skill)

7 0 7
1 6 7
6 6 6
0 2 6
0 0 6

Other Skills:
The above build uses 86 skill points. Other skills to consider getting would be:
Incarnation AND Resurrect - From my conversations with people on JP Rohan, this is useful in Town Battles.
Euphoria - Good for soloing
I don’t like the damage / recharge on Marea’s Anger so personally I wouldn’t get it.

Templar is a very expensive class! You will need to maintain several weapons to be effective.

Before Level 54:

Usage: Soloing or whenever you want to do damage.
Options: Spear of Roha (Weapon Attack)
Stats (in order of importance): Magic Attack, Int, Vit

Usage: Used with a shield for pulling.
Options: Goblet of Ohn (Speed) and optionally the Option that increases your Armor Defense
Stats (in order of importance): Vit, HP

Usage: Used with a wand for pulling.
Options: Protection of Marea (200 - 400 HP) if you are daring!
Stats: P. Def.

After Level 54:

Usage: PVP or whenever you want to do damage.
Options: At least one Teardrops of Edone (HP / MP Leech) to keep up Group Euphoria during PVE and the Attack Speed Option.
Stats (in order of importance): Melee Attack, Int, Vit

Usage: For Buffing Blunt Mastery (See the buffing section below)
Options: Spear of Roha (Weapon Attack)
Stats (in order of importance): Magic Attack, Int, Vit

Usage: Used with a shield for pulling.
Options: Goblet of Ohn (Speed) and optionally the Option that increases your Armor Defense
Stats (in order of importance): Vit, HP

Usage: Used with a wand for pulling.
Options: Protection of Marea (200 - 400 HP) if you are daring!
Stats: P. Def.

I also have a Buffing Wand which just has the option which reduces MP required to cast.

Buffing Blunt Mastery (AKA Why Blunt Mastery damage is NOT Bugged)
Many people say that Blunt Mastery doesn’t do as much damage as it should and that it is bugged but from my experiences, it works pretty much the same way that it does on JP Rohan. The trick to getting the most out of your mace is how you buff. When you cast blunt mastery, it goes off of your CURRENT Magic Attack. Therefore, you should do what you can to get the highest Magic Attack rating. Here is the proper way to buff Blunt Mastery:

1) Buff Inteligence Blow on yourself
2) Buff Brain Blow on yourself
3) Switch to your Staff
4) Buff Blunt Mastery on yourself
5) Switch back to Mace

Your current Int value also affects how much damage your mace does, so make sure to keep Brain Blow on!

I hope that someone will find this useful and Good luck to all you future templars!

Credits go to Guano


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