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0 comments Monday, May 4, 2009

Rohan bot Philippine server English version will go commercial on May 1st at 12:00 AM (GMT+8), BotsMall Beijing time.
The price for each bot card is 5.5USD (300peso), bot card type is 180 point card, 1point=2hours usage. The card can be applied to any game accounts; however, botting on more game accounts will cost you more points.
For users who want to bot 24/7 for 30days, you can use 300 points to make a month bot account, which means you need to buy at least 2 bot cards to bot for 30 days. And the remaining 60 points will run as points after you make a month bot account. The month bot account only works with the game account with which it is bound.
Besides, users who charge a bot card before May 1st will get another 120 points topping up your bot account. Therefore you’ll obtain a total of 300 points (including the extra 120credits) from one card, which can either run as points or be used to make a month bot account.

1)For users who run bot as points
1card=180credits=360hours (1 point = 2 hours)
When you’re botting in game, the bot system will remind you how much time is left in 2 hours, you should use that point in the following 2 hours.
For example:
You start at 00:00am ,and end botting at 01:59am
During these 2 hours login out or disconnect all it's ok, it won't start a new point.
If you end at 01:00am, and start at 02:00am again. You will lose an hour of botting and need to use another point from the 2:00am to 3:59am
Please plan your botting carefully, or buy two cards and charge them to a monthly, so that you don’t have to worry about points.
Pay attention that if you transfer the points to a monthly account, you will NOT see the 300 credits when you check your credits. They will be considered used to charge to a monthly account.
2) For month bot (300points->30days)
The clock starts ticking the moment you activate the month bot and won't stop until 30days expires.

0 comments Saturday, May 2, 2009

Everyone invited t o join symbian-pinoy event to all member..

the first 5 with 300 poster with sense of posting will win the prize :)

This will be :

300 Load : smart, globe, sun, gaming cards , bots mall cards including rohan bot cards.

0 comments Saturday, April 25, 2009

Rohan PH Bot will go commercial on May 1st
Posted By: Tina On: 21 Apr 2009 02:32 AM

Details Rohan bot Philippine server English version will go commercial on May 1st at 12:00 AM (GMT+8), BotsMall Beijing time.
The price for each bot card is 5.5USD (300peso), bot card type is 180 point card, 1point=2hours usage. The card can be applied to any game accounts; however, botting on more game accounts will cost you more points.
For users who want to bot 24/7 for 30days, you can use 300 points to make a month bot account, which means you need to buy at least 2 bot cards to bot for 30 days. And the remaining 60 points will run as points after you make a month bot account. The month bot account only works with the game account with which it is bound.
Besides, users who charge a bot card before May 1st will get another 120 points topping up your bot account. Therefore you’ll obtain a total of 300 points (including the extra 120credits) from one card, which can either run as points or be used to make a month bot account.

1)For users who run bot as points
1card=180credits=360hours (1 point = 2 hours)
When you’re botting in game, the bot system will remind you how much time is left in 2 hours, you should use that point in the following 2 hours.
For example:
You start at 00:00am ,and end botting at 01:59am
During these 2 hours login out or disconnect all it's ok, it won't start a new point.
If you end at 01:00am, and start at 02:00am again. You will lose an hour of botting and need to use another point from the 2:00am to 3:59am
Please plan your botting carefully, or buy two cards and charge them to a monthly, so that you don’t have to worry about points.
Pay attention that if you transfer the points to a monthly account, you will NOT see the 300 credits when you check your credits. They will be considered used to charge to a monthly account.
2) For month bot (300points->30days)
The clock starts ticking the moment you activate the month bot and won't stop until 30days expires.

0 comments Monday, April 20, 2009

ROHAN PH Bot v1.0.5


Auto login configure instruction:
Open file: "Rohan.ini" in bot folder, and then configure as below:

Path=F:\Program Files\Rohan_usa\rohanclient.exe
Account= -->Your Rohan Game login ID
Passwd= -->Your Rohan Game login ID Password
ServerIndex= -->Your Character Server(From up to down is as 1,2,3…)
Example: put 1 if your Char is in Server Torian
CharacterIndex= -->Choose your character(From left to right is as 1,2,3…)
Example: put 1 if your character is on the 1st place

NOTICE: Be careful when enable this function in public

New features:
1. Add “auto loop function”(auto buy items, auto store, auto back to town, auto back to training place) Notice: You need to use return stone if the training area is far from town

0 comments Thursday, April 16, 2009




MD5: 604722F973DC0385D44F60565FFB0C5F

Auto login configure instruction:
Open file: "Rohan.ini" in bot folder, and then configure as below:

Path=F:\Program Files\Rohan_usa\rohanclient.exe
Account= -->Your Rohan Game login ID
Passwd= -->Your Rohan Game login ID Password
ServerIndex= -->Your Character Server(From up to down is as 1,2,3…)
Example: put 1 if your Char is in Server Torian
CharacterIndex= -->Choose your character(From left to right is as 1,2,3…)
Example: put 1 if your character is on the 1st place

NOTICE: Be careful when enable this function in public

Auto Login
Auto Attack
Auto Loot
Auto Move
And Lots of features

0 comments Thursday, April 9, 2009

Strength Assassin-Predator Guide

First I’ll start with the stat builds:

Levels 1-51: 3:1 Str:Vit

Levels 51-71 :4:2 Str:Vit

Levels 71-99 6:2 Str:Vit
*Atm I have 2XX vit with General Talisman+Blazing Temple Talisman no almighty.3XX vit with almighty*. I would suggest pumpin Str each level once you are satisfied with your hp.

*Note* Theres not really too many viable variations of the Str Build simply because unlike the Agi build you can’t get away with low hp because you won’t evade anything except a closed door.

Some Str Dhans suggest going for a weapon with high HP leech. Personally I prefer a weapon with high Melee atk/Dmg Drop. Dmg Drop helps alot more in PvP then HP leech does and also helps in PvE. People aren’t going to miss you alot so the less damage you take from them the better off you are.

Swords vs Katars: Swords have better base damage then Katars but high melee attack swords are in high demand since Guardians use them as well. Melee attack katars however are cheaper to find since theres not ton of Str Dhans. This decision is pure preference. Personally I went with Katars from 1-9X and plan on sticking with katars. Katar Mastery makes up imo for the damage Katar Str Dhans lose to Sword Str Dhans.

PvP Tips.
Melee classes:

Silence+Transform+Ruin+Sealing Square This combo stops anything they can do to you either they will run*which Sealing Square will stop them from doing* or they will stay fight and usually die. Transformation ends the danger of them actually dealing damage to you from reg hits. Silence kills thier ability to use skills. Works hand in hand with silence. Ruin Trap lowers Defense to a manageable level for your Psychic Phantom to start really…really hurting them. This works for other Str Dhans…Str Guardians…Str Defenders..Str Scouts and Str Dekans.

Ranged Classes:
Same Combo works with ranged classes other thing I would do different is start with Sprint*if they are a ranger* then Mana Burn* 12 m*. Then start combo in reverse.

Magic Class:
VS Templars.Key:ALWAYS WATCH FOR REFLECT.Atk as soon as you see it drop after they chrono it*10 second or so window I think* Transform them xD and their overpowered Melee becomes useless. If you can catch them unaware with silence and a stun *they will cure silence usually but theres always one dumbass who will forget and try running* Sealing Square+Transform+Ruin Trap*Silence is maybe if they dont cure it*.

Assassin Skills*All skills that say 7 are skills that IF you have the ABILITY to get the lvl 7 YOU SHOULD.
1 - Hide
5 - Invenom *though it doesnt help with PP or Demolition dmg its DoT stacks nice with demolition*
5 - Boost *helps with reg hit crits at 9X my reg hits crit 7XX+ invenom so not bad*
5-7 Phantom Crow
5-7 Mortal Rising*crit dmg boost at lvl 6-7*
5-7 Deadly Blow*20% str boost lvl 7*
5- Parry
5- Pyschic Phantom *Level 7 if you want
5- Mana Burn
5-7 Silence * I maxed this skill early. Some people don’t suggest this I did it because personally I’m a rebel lol.
?-?- Confusion

*Note* I didnt bother with Quickness OR Avoid. After you have 50 dex you honestly dont need Quickness only thing its good for is buffing Archers and Dex Guardians. Hehe my Guildmates hate coz of my lvl 1 Quickness lol*

Predator skills
5-7- Katar Mastery
5-7- Ruin Trap
1-Tracking Treasure *I suggest getting this skill as its a pretty good crone/rp maker*
5-7- Heart Trap
5-7- Transformation
5-7- Premium Slash *damn nice for kill bosses*
5- Demolition
5-7- Sealing Square
?-?- Timer Trap * I dont really like this trap as mobs break it as soon as they recieve tick dmg from it. Combined with a Mage aoes and its awesome though.
2 - Royal Mask
?-?- Black Mantle * Nice very…very Nice pvp skill provided there is no D.E around and the people u are fighting are in your parties level range.

Credits go to JeminiTwin


Psy Wizard guide by Endi

i met so many confused ppl ingame and on the forum that i decided to write this guide.
IMPORTANT: this guide is mostly for those who cannot afford to pay for this game. those who can pay will see what they can do in different way (using stuff from IM).

psy wizard? one of the hardest to build up from the start. you wont have enough int and the basic atk skills are based on int except for one skill. psy wizards are getting power on higher lvls after you can grab most of your wizard skills.

facts you should know about psy wizards:
-low normal attack damage
-low damage in PvP
-avarage damage in PvE under lvl 50 (can still outdamage most of the other classes)
-godly AOE capabilitys in PvE on higher lvls
-godly buffs/debuffs in PvP on higher lvls

stat build pre lvl 50:
you need int, doesnt matter what lvl you are, you need some decent int to power up your magic attack based skills. get 80 base int. so when you start the game with your mage, add 3 int and 1 vit each lvlup. you can play with the recommanded 50 base int, but it makes your game way harder from lvl 20 to 65. 70-80 int is all you need as a psy wizard and if you get it early on, you can "survive" the lower lvls easily.
(for those who can pay for the game, you should go with 3int/1vit then restat at lvl 58-70: 50-80 base int, rest is 3psy/1vit)

statbuild at lvl 15 (if you added 3 int/1vit each lvl):

add one point to int to reach 80 and put the rest on vit. from now on, get 3psy/1vit each lvlup till you reach lvl 50.

skill build pre lvl 50:
you MUST have a lot of skillpoints saved for the wizards skills so i recommend getting this skill build for lower lvls.

this can be accomplished at lvl 31. if you spend more skillpoints, you damage your skillbuild after 50 and you cannot correct it till lvl 65 (you get Erease Ability at lvl 65). IMPORTANT: DONT TRY TO UPGRADE ANY SKILL TO LVL 6.
(for those who can pay for the game this doesnt matter as you are able to full skillreset at any time, if you do it, i recommend doing it at lvl 58 to have all your psy nukes. Multi Magic Arrow isnt a good skill till high lvls so grab the AOEs and ignore MMA. you can also upgrade your skills to lvl 6 or higher coz the IM skill reset stone wont erease the skill enhencer.)

-stay in the tutorial area till lvl 9-10
-complete ALL quests in the tutorial area
-get vit and int accessories
-MUST have int on the weapon
-good armor is important

stat build after lvl 50:

at lvl 51 you will notice a nice thing, you got 6 statpoints to distribute. you get 6 statpoints for each lvlup till lvl 70. if you concentrate on PvE, get 1 vit each lvlup (rest on psy), if you are planning to PvP a lot you need 2 vit (or even more, depends on your judgement). after lvl 70 you get 8 statpoints each lvl. you can finalise your VIT till lvl 80 or you can just go vith the basic build (1-2 vit each lvl). my personal experience is that the sooner you reach the desired vit, the better coz your damage is a no factor in PvP and its still one of the best the game can offer in PvE.

IMPORTANT: after lvl 58, switch to psy boosting accessories (but dont sacrifice your survivability so have some vit accs for hard situations too)

skill build after lvl 50:

if you saved the statpoints as i suggested, this is what you should see.
this is a basic PvE oriented wizard skillbuild. PvE because you must lvl so you MUST be able dish out the most possible damage you can do. IMPORTANT: DONT TRY TO UPGRADE ANY SKILL TO LVL 6. Killing Time and Group Mortal Immune are some of the best tactical skills this game can offer. GMI helps to defend yourself (and your party) from crit build players and will protect you from the many crits of mobs in PvE while KT will help you spam AOE dispell and GMI for PvP.
(for paying customers, upgrade Ring Burst, Psy Shield and Add Temper to lvl 6 as soon as possible, Ring Burst for the decreased cooldown, the rest for the added bonuses.)

recommanded skillbuild at lvl 65:

congratz. you reached a lvl where you can freely experiment with your skillbuild. with 1 point in Erease Ability youre able to reset the first skilltree, then add 1 point more to Erease ability (to make it lvl 2) and erease the second tree. IMPORTANT: DONT USE EREASE ABLITY IF YOU HAVE AT LEAST 1 SKILL AT LVL 6, IT WILL EREASE THE SKILL ENHENCER.

here is my opinion about the skillbuild after a skillreset at lvl 65:

yes, Erease Ability is lvl 0 because this skill build is good enough for the rest of your life (i mean the rest of your wizards life in Rohan ^^). with this skill build you got all the damage you need in PvE, and you have what you need for group PvP on mid lvls. you can now upgrade your skills to lvl 6. the most important skill to upgrade is Ring Burst coz lvl 6 is reducing the cooldown to 4 seconds.
(for those who can pay i suggest to upgrade Area Spell and Strike Bash for better PvP performance and Destroy for more damage and longer duration. consider upgrading Wide Pollution too.)

ideal base skill build at lvl 89:

why the 2 crit boosting buffs? shielding. that means when you get debuffed by others (or you dispell yourself by using AOE dispell and templars or warlocks can reflect the dispell back) you can shield the usefull buffs with them (you decrease the chance to lose Almighty or Psy shield, maybe GMI). Portal Warp lvl 3? matter of personal preference, but when youre able to port out your party (lvl 3 makes you able to port during fight) against a much higher lvl invading party, thats a good feeling (i did that 2 nights ago, no one died). Cold Wave? immobilising a hard hitter class (dex guard or a dhan, maybe an unlucky ranger) can be important. it also helps in 1v1. Taming Mind? it is good for 1v1 and it can be really useful to stop a ranger from fleeing in mass PvP.

ideal wizard skill build at lvl 89:

Eternal Darkness is a spectacular skill, will make you able to avoid an unvanted fight. Strike Bash will make your party or guildm8ts have some free hits on the enemy. Reraise is a really useful skill especially in PvP. EDIT: consider getting Magic Refletion on higher lvls. cannot be debuffed and will save you from magic attacks, especially vit dekans hard hitting FFS.

-you need 70-80 base int
-you need int equipment on lower lvls
-you must be able to stay alive while you are AOEing the mobs to oblivion (use vit accessorys, have a nice amount of vit)
-your weapon should boost your int till lvl 50+, then it should boost your psy
-armor comes first, always have a nice armor, its priority over the good weapon
-have a healer with you all the time (they got the necessary buffs to boost your damage)
-play in party as much as you can

check out bladesofwill’s more PvP oriented guide here:


im a lvl 8X (legit) wizard on Silva server. what i wrote is based on my (and some of my friends) personal experience. the last part in this guide is about my aim for higher lvls so its not fully tested. use this guide as a reference, but i do belive that it is good for low and mid lvl players.

-Legault (for his posts on the forum)

SPECIAL THANKS to Aero for the awesome stat/skill calculator.

Credits go to Aynara.